
String things (Creekfest 2018)

String things (Creekfest 2018)

The concept - 'String things'

Make connections, reveal images. The basic concept is to take a piece of yarn and make a series of connections between screws on a board to reveal images. 

'String things' Level 1 (Yellow eyed Penguin - Creekfest 2018)

For string things Level 1,  I created a design that was the basic outline of a yellow eyed Penguin. I printed the design and put it on a 1.2m by 1.2m piece of plywood. I put screws on all the nodes and a bunch in the middle. I also put red tape across all the concave parts to indicate the areas where yarn should not cross. Participants were invited to pick up a ~2m piece of yarn and criss cross the board however they like without crossing the red tape. Check out the slideshow below which shows all the steps that went into making the Yellow eyed Penguin 'string thing.'

'String things' Level 2 (Jewelled Gecko - Creekfest 2018)

Level 2 was a bit harder. This design of a Jewelled Gecko had numbered screws on a 2.4 by 1.2m piece of plywood. Participants went through three stages.  The first stage was make the green outline of the Gecko and the white "jewels". Participants were invited to pick a number, start on that number and connect the dots (in numbered order) to draw the outlines. The second stage was to fill in some of the white jewels without leaving the white outlines. The third stage was to either 1) fill in the Green Gecko without crossing a white line/leaving the green outline or 2) create the bush outside the Gecko without crossing the green lines. 

Event report - Creekfest 2018

'String things' was set up at Creekfest on 18 March 2018. It was well received on the day. 'String things' Level 1 was particularly popular, 'String things' Level 2 was perhaps a bit too difficult. I estimate that 50-100 participants took part to make 'String things'. 

Thanks to everyone that helped out with String things!

Licence for reuse

'String Things' by Luke Easterbrook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at